Many times in life we are faced with challenges.
Some good, some not so good.
What we can do is focus on the Positive outlook of things.
Keeping a Positive attitude, waking up and going to bed everyday with it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Bionic contact lens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bionic contact lens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is cool if you need it to correct your eyesight.

Crazy to think kids should use their dirty hands to fumble around with a lens just to play a game.

It's becoming a dirty, and dirtier world every minute.

Why do "They" insist on poisoning our minds, and bodies, what's up with that?

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Los Angeles: The Most Segregated County in America

I have to disagree somewhat with the title here, however this is an interesting topic. I personally think there are some cities where you really can't be seen out at night if you are of a certain ... so People need to learn with should stick together to help one another, and not let everything depend on how someone looks or drives, etc.