Many times in life we are faced with challenges.
Some good, some not so good.
What we can do is focus on the Positive outlook of things.
Keeping a Positive attitude, waking up and going to bed everyday with it.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Dr Claud Anderson - More Dirty Little Secrets About Black History Its H...

THIS is right and True, except ... All religion has done in the black community more than others is to divide us from ourselves! 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Parents warned to watch out for child snatchers after FIVE attempted abductions within days - Mirror Online

Parents warned to watch out for child snatchers after FIVE attempted abductions within days - Mirror Online

This happens here in America too, it's sad, the media created all these creepy old perverts, and with the help of our GMO foods the gay population is increasing as well.

It's just sad.

Human's will end their own existence, 100 miles an hour in the wrong direction.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Bionic contact lens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bionic contact lens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is cool if you need it to correct your eyesight.

Crazy to think kids should use their dirty hands to fumble around with a lens just to play a game.

It's becoming a dirty, and dirtier world every minute.

Why do "They" insist on poisoning our minds, and bodies, what's up with that?

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Los Angeles: The Most Segregated County in America

I have to disagree somewhat with the title here, however this is an interesting topic. I personally think there are some cities where you really can't be seen out at night if you are of a certain ... so People need to learn with should stick together to help one another, and not let everything depend on how someone looks or drives, etc.